Women, Infants & Children (WIC)


What is WIC?

The WIC Program was started back in 1974 and is also known as The USDA Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children

Subcontracted by Maternal and Family Health Services (MFHS), the Casa Guadalupe WIC program offers supplemental foods vouchers to infants, toddlers expecting and breastfeeding mothers.

Clients receive regular iron level testing and nutritional counseling to ensure that basic nutritional needs are met.

With over 3200 clients per month, Casa’s WIC center is the fourth largest in the Northeast Region and has been recognized by MFHS for outstanding performance and dedication to customer service.

  1. WIC reduces fetal deaths and infant mortality
  2. WIC reduces low birth weight babies and increased length of pregnancy
  3. WIC improves the growth of nutritionally at risk infants and children
  4. WIC decreases the incidence of Iron deficiency anemia in children
  5. Pregnant women receive prenatal care sooner
  6. Children enrolled in the WIC program are more likely to have regular source of medical care and have up to date immunizations.
  7. Savings in Healthcare Cost-for every dollar spent on the WIC program, three dollars are saved!

  1.  Pregnant Women
  2. Infants
  3. Children 1-5 years old
  4. Breastfeeding Women
  5. Postpartum Women

Income and Address requirements must be met

What happens at a WIC appointment?

WIC staff will verify

  1. Current House-hold Income
  2. Address (must live in PA)
  3. ID for everyone being enrolled in the program
  4. WIC staff will check weight, height and iron levels
  5. A WIC Nutritionist will talk to you about your/your child’s diet and address any concerns that you may have. Referrals are made to other various community organizations including county assistance programs, lead screenings and the Casa Guadalupe Social Services Program.
  6. The WIC Nutritionist will develop an individualized food package to meet your needs. Checks are printed the same day and you may begin using your checks the same day.

What foods are provided?

In 2009 the Pennsylvania WIC program began offering healthy new food options, which include:

  1. Low –fat milk
  2. Soy milk
  3. Tofu
  4. Cheese
  5. Eggs
  6. Cereal
  7. 100% Fruit Juice
  8. Whole Grains (whole wheat bread/rolls, brown rice, oats or tortillas)
  9. Fruits and Vegetables
  10. Baby foods
  11. Canned beans
  12. Canned salmon or sardines (for fully breastfeeding women)
  13. Infant formula is provided for moms who choose not to breastfeed

To Schedule a WIC appointment please call 610-435-5673


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